Title IX And Student Conduct Issues
Passed in 1972, Title IX was enacted to provide equal opportunities for individuals in athletics and schools. Cindy has experience conducting independent Title IX investigations for schools and universities. She has represented both complainants and respondents throughout Title IX sexual misconduct and harassment investigations, hearings, and subsequent appeals. Cindy represents the following types of clients in Title IX cases:
- Students or faculty accused of violating the school code of conduct.
- Students or faculty filing a claim against another student of faculty for violating the school code of conduct.
- Student athletes and coaches filing claims regarding unfair or unequal treatment.
- Universities and other institutions of higher learning seeking an independent investigator for violations of the school code of conduct.
In addition to the Title IX student conduct process, she can assist you in dealing with any resulting parallel criminal charges. Cindy can craft a comprehensive plan designed to protect your rights and help you navigate this complicated process.
Title IX Cases, Criminal Charges And Your Future
Unlike criminal charges where the accused must be found guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt,” most schools apply a “preponderance of the evidence” standard in Title IX cases. This means guilt can be based on a 51% certainty that a violation was committed. Even if you are found not guilty in a separate but related criminal case, you can still be found responsible in a Title IX case that deals with the same alleged facts. Title IX sanctions may become part of your permanent academic record and may include:
- A warning letter
- Exclusion from campus or specific classes
- Eviction from school-based student housing
- Probation requiring counseling or community service
- Restitution for damaged property
- Short or long-term suspension
- Expulsion
If a Title IX complaint has been filed against you, Cindy can help protect your rights and make sure you get fair treatment.
Contact Title IX Attorney Cindy Crick Today
Cindy Crick Law represents complainants and respondents, and can assist educational institutions in Title IX cases. To set up an initial consultation, call 864-686-7170 or fill out the online contact form.